Dr. Kamaria Blackett-Munir, PT is a school-based Physical Therapist from Brooklyn, NY. She is also a mother of two and the co-founder of Movement Medley LLC. While she did not initially set out to work as a pediatric school-based Physical Therapist, after 15 years of working with students she has learned that being playful, energetic, and creative has allowed for greater success. Dr. Blackett-Munir, PT has the utmost respect for educators and consistently strives to create tools that support fitness and education. 

She published her first book, “Out of My Chair, which is a rhyming story that allows children to move their bodies as they listen, highlights the importance of self advocacy in children, supports the need for movement in kinesthetic learners, and  reminds children that being different is fine.  

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In the story, Malachi is a smart boy that has difficulty remaining seated in his seat. His need to be out of his chair can be difficult for his teacher and classmates at times. However, Malachi knows what he needs to succeed. With a simple question, he is able to advocate for himself, remain engaged, and show his teacher that with small modifications everyone can be engaged in learning.

Many teachers have found creative and engaging ways to reach all of their students but if you still need help, this book is one additional tool.

This book is dedicated to all the children that think they don’t like reading, because they haven’t had stories presented in the way that suits them.